Browse Items (445 total)

Daemon_1968 Winter_The American Scene.jpg
A poem published in the Daemon talking about racial divisions as well as American pride.

1968 Letter from Hoxton Announcing Acceptance.pdf
Headmaster Hoxton writes letter to the parents and students announcing the integration of EHS.

Daemon_1969 Fall_Jim_p1.JPG
An Episcopal High School student describes an African American called Jim, who has been a servant to his family since the day he was born; the student reflects upon his relationship with Jim, how that relationship deteriorated as he attended…

Daemon_1968 Fall_Drawing.jpg
Drawing of Otis Redding in the 1968 Fall Daemon

Daemon_1967 Spring_Surf Club Drawing.JPG
Drawing of an old Ford car, with the Surf Club inscribed in the side, which is accompanied by a confederate flag. (Daemon 1967)

Chronicle March 1971.jpg
Chronicle article stating new Editor-in-Chief, Regi Burns, and other new, elected positions.

Daemon_1967 Winter_Day in the Field_p1.JPG
Daemon piece describing events of work in fields with black and white individuals.

Daemon_1967 Winter_Day in the Field_p1.JPG
Daemon piece describing events of work in fields with black and white individuals.
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