A Democrat's Last Words: Protest History in Beijing and Hong Kong

This project aims to provide a glimpse into the complex political realm on the other side of the globe to users in the United States. Readers will look into the Feng family’s connection with the events as they build their knowledge of specific movements in Beijing and Hong Kong.

This website provides an overview of protest history in Beijing and Hong Kong from the late 19th century to today through a comparison chart, map, timeline, and virtual gallery. From understanding the government structure and the rise of different political movements to reading one of their peers’ personal experiences, users will be able to leave the website with a more comprehensive knowledge of protest history in Beijing and Hong Kong.

The following timeline unveils periods of significant democratic events in Beijing and Hong Kong from 1895 to 2020 and provides a brief overview of how certain events intertwined or developed over time. 


Carrie Feng