What Now?

By reaching the end of this digital history project, you have learned about the history of abortion, the factors that influence someone's beliefs about it, and personal stories about individual experiences with the subject.


What now? What's the point, and why should you care?

To put it simply, you have two options: you can continue on with your life, unchanged, or you can use your newfound knowledge to continue your own research on abortion and use this project as a resource to have civilized conversations with people who may not fully understand the depth of the issue.

Whether you think abortion is a human right or not, it is important that we work to bridge the divide between people when it comes to this subject, because at the end of the day, that's what really matters: people, and the ability to maintain closeness despite differences in opinion.

People have been disagreeing on abortion for decades, and this disagreement is unlikely to end anytime soon. However, we can work to remove hostility from the situation and have intellectual conversations in which we realize that abortion is not a black-and-white issue.